Remote & On-Site Locations

Practical Process Control Courses

Looking for course options that match your needs? We can help.

Whether you need training for yourself or for an entire organization, Control Station has options that will suit your objectives. We have resources available and ready to deliver any of the options within our portfolio of application-specific and theory-based courses.

  • Regional: Sign up for one of our many open enrollment courses that are conveniently scheduled throughout the year near major industrial centers. If you would like us to add another course to the calendar, simply contact Control Station or one of our partners.
  • Onsite: Host us at your facility for a dedicated educational experience. Control Station provides the instructor and all course-related materials, including computers and training binders. You simply provide the space and, of course, the students.
  • Virtual: Register for one of our eLearning offerings and access select courses from the convenience of your office or home. Although these courses are delivered virtually, they leverage the Practical Process Control curriculum and are highly interactive.

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