What is the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)?

The Industrial Internet of Things is Capturing Headlines.  While It’s All the Rage, How Will IIoT Impact Plant Floor Operations?

Communication and automation technologies have been applied in industrial applications for years. With its primary focus on the supply chain and enhancing efficiency, however, IIoT often leaves production staff wondering how plant floor operations will be impacted. IIoT hatched from the consumer-driven Internet of Things (IoT).  IoT started in the 1990s and grew rapidly based on the idea that individuals could gain value by networking everyday devices.  Microcomputers such as Raspberry Pi and Arduino could provide individuals with remote access to and control over their home’s utilities and appliances.  Simple tasks such as flipping lights on or turning a coffee pot off could be performed remotely using a consumer’s mobile phone.  In many ways the ability to improve control of systems sounds a lot like automation.  Simply put: The Industrial Internet of Things allows manufacturers to improve awareness and to increase efficiency.

If you’ve investigated manufacturing trends recently, then the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) has probably caught your attention once or twice. IIoT capitalizes on a range of

Consider some of the benefits associated with IIoT:

A Picture Tells a Thousand Words

With improved security and lower costs wireless networks are quickly growing their share of the industrial communications market. Wireless sensors can be deployed rapidly and their relatively low price point enables manufacturers to apply the technology in a wider range of applications. The additional data provides a clearer, real-time picture of production conditions.

Avoiding the Costs of Downtime

With additional insight into the health of production equipment, manufacturers improve their ability to avoid costly down-time. Research performed by Accenture shows that predictive analytics can help manufacturers to save over 12% on scheduled repairs, reduce maintenance costs by 30%, and cut downtime by as much as 70%.

Looking Beyond the Plant

The view of IIoT shouldn’t be limited to the four walls of a production facility. Technologies such as Bluetooth and GPS can now make other sources of data available. While security issues limit these applications in the short-term, some view the added insights as an area of potential growth and another catalyst for improved efficiency.

Though some of the kinks are still being worked out, the Industrial Internet of Things is shaping the future direction of manufacturing and automation. Indeed, the value of the IIoT market is projected to reach $151 Billion by the year 2020.  As a company that likes to stay current with the new and the next, you can expect to see more from Control Station on this important trend.


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