
What is the Purpose of a PID Controller’s Integral Term? Why is PI Control So Widely Used in Industry?

By dennisnash | September 9, 2015

In the realm of process control it makes complete sense that the primary goal is – you guessed it – to control the process.  For decades the PID controller has proven a reliable tool for fulfilling that objective.  Even so, there are various forms of the controller that can be used and each has its unique performance attributes.  In spite of the added complexity associated with the Integral Term the PI controller is the form most widely used in industry.

Where Can I Purchase RSTune?

By Control Guru | May 19, 2015

Nowhere…Because RSTune and RSLoop Optimizer Were Discontinued in 2011!

Product names often outlive the products themselves. Investments made to establish a product and a brand can have a lasting impact.

Who Benefits from Process Control Training?

By Control Guru | April 30, 2015

No surprise, as the demographics of industrial automation continue to shift a graying workforce is giving way to a younger, greener one. More and more staff are retiring just as the “automation oracles” predicted. In tandem with that trend investments in training and skills development are recovering from previously reduced, recessionary levels. With those budgets being restored some somewhat surprising questions keep popping up: How should process manufacturers apply their newly reinstated funds? Who should attend?

What is On-Off Control?

By Control Guru | April 23, 2015

On-Off Control is not a highly sophisticated control method. Even so, examples of its practical, everyday use can be found all around. Look no further than the appliances in your home. Kitchen appliances such as ovens and refrigerators utilize On-Off Control. Similarly the furnaces, water heaters, and air conditioners found in most basements rely on On-Off Control. Although it’s unsophisticated, On-Off Control plays a significant role in our lives.