Our Blog

  • March 12, 2015
  • Control Guru

How Do I Tune a Temperature Loop?

Temperature is one of the more common types of self-regulating - also known as non-integrating - processes used in industry. Like other self-regulating loops, temperature loops tend to naturally settle

  • March 6, 2015
  • Control Guru

What Sample Rate is Needed When Tuning PID Controllers?

Practitioners often apply simple guidelines when it comes to data collection requirements and controller tuning. These "rules of thumb" assure that sufficient data resolution exists when a given PID control

  • February 10, 2015
  • Control Guru

How Often Should PID Control Loops be Tuned?

When it comes to PID control loops and the right time for tuning practitioners generally fall into one of two camps. There is the group that adheres to a philosophy

  • February 3, 2015
  • Control Guru

How Do I Calculate Dead-Time?

Adults can learn a thing or two from children. That's especially true when it comes to matters of time. Whereas adults view it as fashionable to show up to a

  • January 22, 2015
  • Control Guru

How Do I Detect Valve Issues and Prevent Failures?

It's generally known that the behavior of final control elements (FCEs) (valves, air handlers, etc.) change over time. Like most things the dynamics of FCEs are different from the time