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Robert Rice, PhD

  • By Control Guru
  • July 8, 2015

Dr. Rice has contributed significantly to the expansion and delivery of Control Station’s training services. In collaboration with Hershey Foods, Dr. Rice formulated introductory and advanced process control workshops, extending the Practical Process Control portfolio. He also developed workshops customized for the cement and brewery industries. Beyond instruction, Dr. Rice has published extensively on topics associated with automatic process control, including multi-variable process control and model predictive control.

Dr. Rice is a recognized expert in both model-based and advanced controls, including unstable and integrating processes. He has been recognized with numerous industry awards, including Control Engineering’s inaugural class of “Engineers to Watch”. Dr. Rice received his Bachelor’s Degree from Virginia Polytechnic and State University. He received both is Masters and Doctor Degrees from University of Connecticut. Prior to joining Control Station, he was an engineer with PPG Industries (Shelby, North Carolina).