How Do I Detect Valve Issues and Prevent Failures?

It’s generally known that the behavior of final control elements (FCEs) (valves, air handlers, etc.) change over time. Like most things the dynamics of FCEs are different from the time they’re first installed to the time they’re serviced and ultimately replaced. Sometimes the change in dynamic behavior is subtle. Other times the change is dramatic. Unfortunately that’s the nature of things, and that’s the primary reason why monitoring for valve issues is beneficial.

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What is Output Distribution? How Is It Helpful?

Most of us know what it means to give 110%. Whether by a coach urging players to finish strong or a supervisor encouraging staff to hit a project deadline, many of us have been asked to go beyond some normal expectation of output. Even though we’re limited to giving 100%, operating at such a high level can result in great achievements. When that high octane performance level is required for only a brief period the impact on staff can be minimal. If demanded for an extended period, however, the impact can be long lasting and even debilitating. We’re only human, right?

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