Posts Tagged ‘KPI’
How CLPM Can Optimize Throughout a Lifecycle of Optimization
It may be helpful for production staff to view optimization as it really is: A never-ending project. Indeed, there is no fixed finish line. Those assigned to optimization need to…
Read MoreChemicals: Facilitating Decision-Making with Data
Mechanical issues can often go undetected for long periods of time, all the while negatively affecting a facility’s production throughput and efficiency. Although the responsibility of engineering staff is to root out and resolve such mechanical problems, they sometimes require multiple forms of proof before accepting the presence of poor process behavior.
Read MoreWhat Value is Hidden in a Plant’s Process Data
While a typical Distributed Control System (DCS) keeps a watchful eye on production and scheduling there are other important details that a DCS simply overlooks. To be clear, a DCS consumes process data in order to measure and regulate the flow of material through a plant. It interprets sensor data and orchestrates adjustments to Final Control Elements in order to maintain Set Points.
Read MoreHow Do Plant-Wide Diagnostics Pinpoint a PID Controller Performance Issues
It may not be hard to imagine: It’s holiday season. You’re headed to the local shopping plaza. You’ve got one, two, maybe more children in tow. There are thousands of cars competing for a fixed number of parking spots. Items on your list are in limited supply – of course. The permutations of things that could go wrong seem unlimited as each of these factors interact with each other. Anxiety builds. The crowds. The lines. The waiting. If you only had the ability to track the movement of other consumers on a mall-wide basis and avoid problems that put your shopping mission at risk!
Read MoreWhat is Output Distribution? How Is It Helpful?
Most of us know what it means to give 110%. Whether by a coach urging players to finish strong or a supervisor encouraging staff to hit a project deadline, many of us have been asked to go beyond some normal expectation of output. Even though we’re limited to giving 100%, operating at such a high level can result in great achievements. When that high octane performance level is required for only a brief period the impact on staff can be minimal. If demanded for an extended period, however, the impact can be long lasting and even debilitating. We’re only human, right?
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