Ask Doctor Bob: What is P-only Control?
Video Transcript: Hi, I’m Bob Rice. And today, we’re going to cover P-only control. First, let’s start with the equation for P-only control. So a P-only controller is, the
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Video Transcript: Hi, I’m Bob Rice. And today, we’re going to cover P-only control. First, let’s start with the equation for P-only control. So a P-only controller is, the
A previous post about the Derivative Term focused on its weaknesses. As noted, the primary challenge associated with the use of Derivative and PID Control is the volatility of the
Effective Disturbance Rejection “When your only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail” – a concept attributed to Abraham Maslow. Such can be the situation with process control
Place in Industrial Process Control. As with most everything in process manufacturing, PID controllers require practitioners to make choices. One of those choices is which form of the controller to apply