Avoiding the Traps: A Plan for Successfully Evaluating New Manufacturing Technologies

Innovation can be a manufacturer’s worst nightmare especially when it comes to conducting formal evaluations. From conflicting priorities and disagreements over schedules to ineffective communications and a lack of engagement from key constituencies, any number of project elements can go wrong. To make matters worse the rate of innovation is increasing. It is
creating a gap between technology and the labor its intended to help. In spite of this trend simple
steps can be taken to assure that evaluations are fully aligned with a manufacturer’s goals and
existing resources. There is a way to avoid the traps.

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Top Secret: How Regulatory Control Evaluations Uncover Hidden Opportunities for Production Gain

While most technology investments require proof before a purchase can be made, each
production facility has unique attributes for which general industry-wide benefits don’t necessarily apply. A short-term, highly focused evaluation can equip manufacturers with clear financial evidence. Equally important, an evaluation illuminates how the associated KPIs both align with the facility’s annual production goals and allow management to remain on top of progress.

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CLPM RFP Checklist: Considerations for Your Control Loop Performance Monitoring Solution

There is a growing number of CLPM solutions on the market that offer a range of capabilities.
Understanding which product suits your unique monitoring and diagnostic needs can present
challenges. As with other automation technologies there are numerous aspects of CLPM that should be considered prior to writing your request for proposal and making an investment. This
article offers basic guidelines for evaluating and selecting an appropriate CLPM solution.

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The Habits of a Systems Thinker

From advances in internal production practices and supply chain integration to innovations
in technologies and information systems, manufacturers have been the beneficiaries of
developments that are improving production throughput and efficiency. Many improvements
have been strictly technological in nature whereas others have been limited to the methods or
procedures by which manufacturing is performed.

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