Pulse is Okay, but Doublet is Better
The Pulse and Doublet tests both allow practitioners to observe the process moving in opposite directions, but which is better?
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The Pulse and Doublet tests both allow practitioners to observe the process moving in opposite directions, but which is better?
Tuning PID controllers is a multi-step process. While it is important to understand each step in the process, performing the bump test and collecting dynamic data is the most crucial
If you’re old enough to remember silent movies, then you know what it’s like to see the characters seemingly jiggle around the screen. Black spots would randomly appear as the
Choices, choices. In the realm of process control practitioners are regularly forced to choose between competing options. Consider a PID control loop: Should it be tuned for faster disturbance rejection
Noise is inevitable. To one degree or another it’s evident in the data of most every production process. Sure it can be absent in academic settings and similar lab environments
In the realm of process control it makes complete sense that the primary goal is - you guessed it - to control the process. For decades the PID controller has
A 25 MW combined-cycle cogeneration plant at the University of Connecticut supplies electricity to the entire UConn campus with three natural gas combustion turbine generators and one high pressure steam
Tuning a PID controller doesn't have to be hard. Whether a practitioner chooses to tune control loops manually or with the help of software, the procedure is relatively straight forward
Derivative is the third term within the PID. In mathematical terms the word derivative is defined as the slope of a curve. Seen in the context of strip chart data
Adults can learn a thing or two from children. That's especially true when it comes to matters of time. Whereas adults view it as fashionable to show up to a